Ulster Museum

Ulster Museum
Photo of the Ulster Museum by Art Ward
The Ulster Museum is free to access adjacent to and part of Botanic Gardens, the museum moved to this location in 1929 and is now part of National Museums Northern Ireland, the others being The Ulster Folk Museum (Cultra), Ulster Transport Museum (Cultra) and The Ulster American Folk Park (Omagh). The classical looking building was designed by James Cumming Wynne in 1962, it has over 8,000 square metres of public space inside and covers a wide spectrum of interests including the history of Northern Ireland from Neolithic times, fine and applied art, archaeology, botany, zoology, geology and many other collections. It is the largest museum in Northern Ireland.
Photo of Le Girona Treasure by Art Ward
The collections housed and on display here come from across Ireland and the world, you can see an Egyptian mummy, experience the discovery zones, or relax in cafe and shop. It is ideal for families and is adjacent to Botanic Gardens good for a picnic day out. Of interest to those travelling the Causeway Coastal Route, the museum has the collection of items recovered by Robert Stenuit from La Girona, the Spanish Armada galleass which foundered on Lacada Point at the Giants Causeway in 1588. The Tower Museum in Derry has more artefacts from the Armada which were recovered from La Trinidad Valencera at Kinnagoe Bay, Donegal.
You can find out more about the museum on their website.
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